Medical Intuitive | Energy Healer | Holistic Nutritionist

What is the purpose of the free 15-minute consultation?
This brief conversation is intended to ensure that my services are right for you before we commit to a full-length paid consultation.
How do I schedule and pay for the official 90-minute consultation?
After your free 15-minute initial consultation, you will receive an emailed link to schedule the official Medical Intuition session where you can pay using PayPal.
What is needed for a consultation?
I ask that you provide a recent headshot photo of yourself (without glasses or a hat). This request will be in the email that is sent to you after the free 15-minute consultation.
How can Kim work with people at a distance?
I am able to connect to your unique energy through your voice and your photo as if we were face-to-face in my office. No matter where you are in the world … we are all connected!


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National Organization for Medical Intuition (NOMI)