Medical Intuitive | Energy Healer | Holistic Nutritionist

Kim is Amazing!   I highly recommend this talented and knowledgeable lady, as she has incredible healing abilities.  Our session was done over the phone.  All she had from me was a photo of myself.  She was able to see the throat and dental issues that I had in my recent past, my broken heart and emotional insecurities that I hadn't yet healed, my nutritional deficiencies, intestsinal and liver detox concerns, and neurological issues.  During our healing session, she blew me away when she knew that I had a long-standing broken heart from a past girlfriend.  She communicated with spirit while they replaced the energy of my broken heart with what she explained as a metallic shield that looked like the image of the Superman emblem.  What she didn't know was that I have a tattoo of the Superman emblem on my arm - that was a meaningful and important validation for me.  It was clear that she was connecting with my health situation and what I needed for my healing.  I am currently dealing with a new health situation, and prior to our session, spirit showed her the large magnets and laser equipment that I've been using for it, and she validated that those are helping me.  Again, I was blown away with that powerful validation that I'm on the right track.  She provided nutritional guidance and gave me contact information to functional medicine doctors.  What a positive experience!

Love and Gratitude,


Sydney, Australia

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